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Microsoft Windows 'Setup.exe' Installation: - Save and unzip the downloadable archive. Locate the hard drive directory where the driver files are stored using the browser or the Explore feature of Windows. From this directory, double-click the 'Setup.exe' file. The first dialog of the installation user interface will appear. Windows 7.: PROSet version = 21.10.1 Driver version =; Note: The PROSet version is the version number you'll see in the Programs and Features or Apps and Features menu. The driver version is the version number you'll see listed in the Device Manager. Which file to choose. WiFi21.10.1PROSet64Win10.exe: For Windows® 10, 64-bit. On previous versions of the Windows OS (Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 8.1), the Realtek HD Audio Manager works just fine. The sound issues with Windows 10 build 1903 have become more rampant.

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